
String Functions


Utility functions for working with JavaScript strings.

$u.s.aTrim Function

Trim the both sides of a string, removing spaces and any passed in characters.

$u.s.changeCase Function

Change the case of a string.

$u.s.lTrim Function

Trim the left of a string, removing spaces and any passed in characters.


Pad a string with a passed in padding string. Optionally choose where the padding should be positioned.

$u.s.replicate Function

Duplicate a string a given number of times.

$u.s.rTrim Function

Trim the right of a string, removing spaces and any passed in characters.

$u.s.toBool Function

Convert a string into a logical. If a string is one of the following values (case insensitive), it is converted to true: true, t, yes, 1, .t.. Any other value is false.

$u.s.toNum Function

Convert a string into a number. Non-numeric characters are stripped out. The default thousands separator is a comma and decimal separator is a period. However, you can specify the values to use by setting $u.decimal and $u.comma.

$u.s.tran Function

Replace single or multiple strings in a string.

$u.s.word Function

Fetch a given word from a string, based on a separator (the default separator is a space).